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歡迎來到 REVE Design,這是一家總部位於墨爾本的一流建築公司,專門從事創造卓越、可持續和技術先進的設計。我們是一個由敬業的建築師、設計師和顧問組成的團隊,他們熱衷於創造美麗、實用和可持續的空間,激發靈感和愉悅。

在 REVE Design,我們的重點是在廣泛的項目中創造創新和可持續的設計,包括建築、景觀、室內設計和品牌。我們的團隊在創造視覺震撼和功能強大的設計方面擁有豐富的經驗,特別強調可持續和技術設計方法。


無論您是想設計新建築、景觀、室內設計還是品牌,REVE Design 都擁有將您的願景變為現實的技能和專業知識。立即聯繫我們,詳細了解我們如何幫助您打造真正鼓舞人心的空間。

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Preliminary Assessment

Every project, whether it's a renovation or a large-scale development, has a vital phase. We consider this preliminary work as a safeguard for our clients, aiming to mitigate any potential future hazards.

Site Analysis

Sketch Design

Feasibility Study

Design Review

Design Development

Transforming initial project sketches into complete town planning permits (if needed) or fully fleshed out designs prepared for documentation.

Town Planning

VCAT & DELWP Applications & Representation

Virtual Reality Design Assessment

Interior Design

Building Documentation

The success of the project hinges on the careful and detailed recording of the suggested design.

Building Permit

Tender Documentation

Project Management

Marketing Packages

Click to see our Marketing Solutions:
Branding Design/Digital Marketing/Website Design





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